Vastu For Commercial


In modern times the need for office spaces has risen and with the increasing competition the office structures should be well stable and blesses with good luck. Following proper instructions as prescribed by the Vastu guidelines can lead to happiness in various aspects of work life.

  • Offices built in public places surrounded by bustling roads tend to be beneficial and very prosperous.
  • Office buildings should face the north, north-west or north-east, which are considered auspicious and are very prosperous, bringing good luck and good energies.
  • While working it is auspicious to be facing the north or east as it feels fresh. Lord Kuber rules North direction and this direction is preferred for people working in the trading business. For professionals in the service industry the east direction is good. East direction nurtures all round growth as it is the direction where the Sun rises.
  • For workstation which faces North, all office supplies and computers should be kept on the left side of the table while for workstations facing East the office supplies and electronics should be kept on the right side of the table.
  • Always choose worktables with a regular shape, ideally with four corners having a length and breadth proportion of 1:2. Irregular shapes are not auspicious as they create confusion and promote delays.
  • It is not considered respectful when images of deities or idols are placed on the work table. The place for the all powerful Supreme Being should have a separate place different from day to day things. They should be placed in an auspicious part of the house that is separate from the other parts of the household.
  • The workstation should not be used for consumption of food as it is the place for work and business. Other works should not be performed on the area of work.
  • Offices spaces are strictly for indulging in money earning activities and working. Doing other works like reading magazines, reading, sleeping or other forms of time passing activities at your working table create negative and slow down the energies in the business area.
  • It is important to keep the work table organised and clutter-free. Money is stable as a result since Maa Laxmi is not pleased by unclean environments. Clutter also causes confusion and problems and may create disharmony in the business environment.
  • Office files are best kept on the western sides of the wall while sensitive files – court cases and taxation matters – should be kept on the north-eastern sides.
  • Bank papers and files should be kept in the south-western areas and kesar or kumkum tilak should be applied on account and bank related books.
  • Safes containing cash preferably should be kept on the south-western part of the office. This direction is stable and the cash flow is continuous.
  • Marketing and sales staff work well when placed in the north-west corners and facing the north sides of wall. The north-western areas make them more mobile in the field or to the clients outside of office.
  • Likewise, accounts staffs are best placed in the eastern side of the office facing the east.
  • The Head of the office should occupy the south-western part of the office. This part of the office is considered strong and makes it easier to control and manage the whole staff and associates giving rise to a stable business.
  • Office staffs and other people occupying the office space should be made to sit in such positions so that there are no windows or opening at the back of the people.
  • The reception area of the office is very important as it reflects the power of a business. The reception area should furnish a company profile on the south wall and the table aligned diagonal facing to the entry. To increase positivity, flowers can be kept in the area. Also, sweets can be offered in any form to visitors in the office reception creating good relationship value with clients and other people associated with the company.

Vastushastra helps in regulating our lives. The suggestions and recommendations can help to ease problems faced in a family and improve things. The benefits of the recommendations vary from person to person and any implied success is not guaranteed.

The information provided here is not owned by us. These are publicly available facts offered solely as educative material. We disclaim any warranties of any form, communicated or implied, as to the results of the information, content or materials expressed herein

Vastu For Commercial
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