The Sun is regarded as most powerful of all the planets and is master of many activities of human life. Sun gives good health, energy and success to mankind. In situations of deprivation, worship of Sun through Surya Namashkar etc. is often advised. Difficult phases in life are meant to be overcome through the worship […]
Sri Yantra
Sri yantra is called the mother of all yantras because all other yantras derive from it. It is said that there is no better road to success, wealth and fame than the Sri Yantra. The Sri yantra purifies the mind and body, gives profound meditation and inner calm. It is very auspicious to have a […]
Saraswati Yantra
Saraswati yantra is used for Knowledge, Education & Creativity. Goddess Saraswati bestows wisdom, intelligence and is the patron goddess of learning and music. This occult Yantra sharpens the intellect, improves grasping power, increases memory & concentration. The worship of this Goddess blesses the person with intuitive skills and a creative bent of mind. One is […]
Rahu Yantra
According to the Rigveda, when Rahu – the son of Asuya or Sinhika covers the sun and the moon with his darkness, then it becomes so dark that the people became unable even to identify their places. The presiding deity of Rahu is ‘Kaal’. It is symbolised by a black flag in north-west direction among […]
Nav Grah Yantra
Nav Grah Yantra is use full to minimize the negative effect of Nav graha (Nine Planets). This yantra is use full to appease nine planets.
Nav Durga Yantra
A powerful yantra to worship all the nine powers of Goddess Durga. Nav Durga Yantra is typically worshipped on Ashtami and during Navratras. Markandeya Puran contains many miraculous uses about this yantra. It incorporates many mantras of Goddess Bhagwati that make it highly effective. Sri Navdurga yantra is a powerful Yantra for attaining desired goals […]
Mangal Yantra
Mars is considered as an inauspicious planet. The great phase of mars lasts for seven years. Mangal yantra works remarkably in removing the ill effects of Mars. This yantra is powerful enough to attain success in difficult or next to impossible situations where often the person has come across several hurdles and criticism. Several difficulties […]
Mahamritunjaya Yantra
A Yantra that keeps death away! The worship of this yantra frees the fear of death, grave dangers, fatal diseases and makes courageous and healthy. This yantra shields the life and keeps death away – It is said that this yantra comes as a savior even when doctors have given up. Diseases are also cured […]
Mahakaali Yantra
A very powerful yantra for the worship of Goddess Kali is the Mahakaali yantra. This Yantra has occult powers – its worship reverses the ill-effects of black magic, and frees a person from the bad influences of spirits & ghosts. This Yantra also eliminates the harmful effects of malefic planets, especially Saturn, which is usually […]
Mahalakshmi Yantra
Mahalakshmi Yantra is for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, “the Eternal Goddess of Wealth & Prosperity”. A yantra so rare yet so powerful that it is meant to have the ability to convert a beggar into a king! It is believed that mere “Darshan” (sight) of this unique Mahalakshmi Yantra in the morning blesses the […]